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 Mini-DTS / ‘A week for Jesus’.

A simple and effective strategy to reach and disciple the Yadav and other unreached peoplegroups of India and beyond.


Why the Yadavs?

Because the Yadavs are with +60 million people (58 million in India) one of the largest, least reached, and most strategic peoplegroups in the world. And we find them in every state and in almost every district of India!



Reaching every Yadav household with the Good News of Jesus Christ.



To motivate, disciple and train Yadav believers to reach out to their own people and beyond trough ‘A week for Jesus’.



  1. Find out where the Yadav are largely present. (The Yadav / Yadava live mostly in a certain colony of a village / town / city).

  2. Find a reliable pastor. Not someone who is just interested in more church membership. But someone who is faithful and accountable in finances, who 1) has a burden for the lost, 2) can organise a week for Jesus, 3) will do follow up.

  3. The pastor might not have a burden or vision the Yadavs or another unreached tribe and peoplegroup. But we can motivate and impart the burden and vision.


One example:

  • A certain Pastor didn’t show much interest in the Yadav. But when I visited him, I shared our vision with him, gave him some information and statistics about the Yadavs and I visited the local Yadav community with him.

  • I asked him to arrange ministry for the DTS team. He did it and caught the vision very fast. The Lord gave him a burden for the Yadav and a desire to work with this peoplegroup. After we left, I kept communicating with him.

  • Now, he has a burden for the Yadav.

  • And, Yadavs are added to his church.

  • So, we need to inform and inspire Pastors and all kind of leaders / ministers to join us in the vision and include them in the mission ‘To Reach and Disciple the Yadavs and other unreached tribes / peoplegroups’. And do follow up!


Why a mini-DTS / week for Jesus?

Because a 10-day Yadav focused training proved to be an effective tool.

  • In Andhra Pradesh for example the Yadavs are often daily laborers engaged in agricultural work. According to government statistics 70% of the Yadavs live Below Poverty Line (BPL). Therefor they have no time or resources to go for a long-term training.

  • One of the senior Pastors told that a 10-day training is long enough. But squeezing the training into a one-week training is possible and that will be even better! It will open the door for more people to join, to be trained and to be released into the vision to reach and disciple the Yadavs and beyond.

  • In the mini-DTS we highlight our regular 5 months DTS curriculum, but we skip assignment and extra contents of the teaching what is not so important.

  • We teach on sin and repentance to be sure that every participant is (or becomes) a born-again believer. We concentrate on topics which will help the participants to build up their personal relationship with God, and how they can maintain a living relationship with God after the week for Jesus. The last 3 days we teach on radical discipleship, evangelism, and missions to inform, inspire, and involve them in reaching the Yadav and other unreached peoplegroups of India and beyond.


Outcome: Our first Yadav focused week for Jesus worked out very well. We had 65 participants and harvested 10 new Yadav converts from Hindu background. Now Pastor is doing follow-up and they attend the Church.


So, if we do proper follow-up we will see:

  1. Successful and ongoing training and discipleship of Yadavs (and other peoplegroups).

  2. Self multiplication. All you must do is challenge well. Once God moves, He really moves!


  • When we make use of Pastors who already established a church, we just bless them by adding more ministry opportunities and with more churchmembers.

  • We don't need to plant Yadav Churches. There are already more than enough churches in India. The Yadavs are ready to join an established church who welcomes them.


Note: This vision is for effective and stable ministry among Yadavs. But we believe that this vision can also be applied with a focus on any other unreached peoplegroup in India and beyond. Do you want to know more about how to implement this in your area? We are here to help you!


Contact us.


Our Yadav end-vision: “We want to see Yadav house fellowships in every village, town and city obeying the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ gladly, worshiping and witnessing in their mother tongue, multiplying rapidly and transforming their community and beyond.”

©2022 by God loves Yadav. Proudly created with

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